
Modern Social Thinkers

Author: Pradip Basu

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Categories: Political Science
Year March, 2012
Pages x+358
Binding Paperback
Size 160m.mx235m.m
ISBN 9789380677262


This book works on modern social thinkers who have articulated their deeper thought about society as a whole or any aspect thereof. They have worked within the modern social perspective of new historical as well as intellectual developments, which began to surface with the European Renaissance of the 14-16th centuries. Some of the thinkers chose to legitimize modernity. Others live within modernity but critique modernity’s specific aspects from their own points of view-they are still modern social thinkers in the sense that their thoughts and premises amerged within the larger contours of the modern world. Twenty researchers from India and abroad have contributed their unpublished, original and referenced articles on the following thinkers: Karl Marx, Karl Popper, Jacques Derrida, Frantz  Fanon, Jurgen Habernas, Luce Irigaray, Raymond Williams, Giorgio Agamben, Emmanuel Levinas, Georges Bataille, Zygmunt Bauman, Alasdair Maclntyre, Bertolt Brecht, Sudipta Kaviraj, Chandra Talpade Mohanty, C. Wright Mills, Bade Onimode, Fatima Mernissi, Jayaprakash Narayan, Ernesto De Martion. The book will cater to the needs of the advanced post-graduate, M.Phil. and Ph.D. students as well as teachers.
Editor Pradip Basu: Ph.D. on Naxalism:Faculty, Scottish Church College; Gust faculty, Post Graduate departments of Political science and Philosophy, Calcutta University; author/edited books: Towards Naxalbari, Discourses on Naxalite Movement, postmodernism Marxism Postcolonialism, Colonial Modernity, Avenel Companion to Modern Social Theorists, Red on Silver: Naxalites in Cinema etc.

Giorgio Agamben: Biopolitics, Homo Sacer and The Musselman
Bade Onimode: The  Political economy of the African Crisis
Georges Bataille: Shadows of Our Father(s)
Zygmunt Bauman: Liquid Modernity and Consumer Culture
Bertol Brecht: Marxism, Theatral Anakysis and the Problem of ‘Lerning’ in life of Galileo
Chandra Talpade Mohanty: Beyound Barriers-transnational Feminist Solidarity
C.Wright Mills: The Volcanic Eminence
Jacques Derrida: The End of the Logos and Beginning of the Difference
Frantz Fanon: Revisiting Anti-Colonialism
Fatima Mernissi: Condition of Muslim women
Jurgen Habermas: Post –Conflict Reconstruction, Non-Hegemonic Modernity, Discourse about Spaces and the Role of Religion
Luce Irigaray: “Open Your Lips”-an Overview

Giorgio Agamben: Biopolitics, Homo Sacer and The Musselman
Bade Onimode: The  Political economy of the African Crisis
Georges Bataille: Shadows of Our Father(s)
Zygmunt Bauman: Liquid Modernity and Consumer Culture
Bertol Brecht: Marxism, Theatral Anakysis and the Problem of ‘Lerning’ in life of Galileo
Chandra Talpade Mohanty: Beyound Barriers-transnational Feminist Solidarity
C.Wright Mills: The Volcanic Eminence
Jacques Derrida: The End of the Logos and Beginning of the Difference
Frantz Fanon: Revisiting Anti-Colonialism
Fatima Mernissi: Condition of Muslim women
Jurgen Habermas: Post –Conflict Reconstruction, Non-Hegemonic Modernity, Discourse about Spaces and the Role of Religion
Luce Irigaray: “Open Your Lips”-an Overview
Jayaprakash Narayan : Socialism, Sarvodaya, Non-party Democracy, Total Revolution
Emmanuel Levinas: Self, Other and Ethics
Alasdair Macintyre: Modern Moral Philosophy, practice, Narrative Unity and Tradition
Ernesto De Martino: Magic and Popular religion-Symbolic Tools for Empowering the Subalterns
Karl Marx: Theorist of Capital and Social Justice
Karl Popper: Critical Rationalism, Falsifiability and Open Society
Raymond Williams: Materialist Approach to Culture, Literature, Media and Politics-the Critical Terrain of Marxism
Studipta Kaviraj: Transgressing Liminality

Pradip Basu

Ph.D. on Naxalism:Faculty, Scottish Church College; Guest faculty, Post Graduate departments of Political science and Philosophy, Calcutta University; author/edited books: Towards Naxalbari, Discourses on Naxalite Movement, postmodernism Marxism Postcolonialism, Colonial Modernity, Avenel Companion to Modern Social Theorists, Red on Silver: Naxalites in Cinema etc.

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